
Free Articles, Premium Articles, Single Articles, Reviews & Excursions


Since this web site went online in 2004, I have provided the guitarmaking community with the best articles I could write on all facets of guitarmaking. All articles and accompanying photos are created solely by me for anyone’s use as the reader sees fit. Needless to say this endeavor taken a tremendous amount of time and effort, and providing it to the community has cost me monthly web fees. So, the articles for beginners are available above, for free. In order to access the more technically advanced and innovative articles (which will save you both time and money) you will now have to pay a reasonable one time lifetime fee. Cost is $50.00 for access to methods, techniques and suppliers that took over forty five years to develop. I hope to continue to update these articles with new ideas on a periodic basis. Click the Buy Now Paypal button below and receive your personalized password within 24 hours.

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